In 1950, Otto Steinert took a photograph named "Ein-Fuß-Gänger". His comment that subjektive photographie means "... Handhabung der Kamera, um den Einzelobjekten ihrem Wesen entsprechende Bildsichten abzugewinnen" is somewhat less likely to enter the realms of intelligent aperçus than the photograph itself. Had he used the word Schichten instead of Sichten, there might have been somebody around appreciating Steinert's witty allusion to Balzac's neurotic onion theories. Alas, s'il avait seulement pu sortir sur le papier comme sur une toile classique, doué d'un air noble, pensif, intelligent, etc.!
True enough, I could have straightened
and croppped this photograph, I could! But it's almost 35 years old.